
Friday, March 30, 2018

2017 GIF's: Carl Stajduhar, Jose Maria, and Dylan Snypes

Carl Stajduhar

GIFs (37)

-       Single
-       Homerun
-       Double
-       RBI infield single

-       At third base

-       Single
-       Routine play
-       Routine play

-       Infield single
-       Routine play
-       Gets the out at home

-       Routine play
-       Single
-       Routine play

-       Fielding a bunt
-       Double off the RF wall

-       Snares a liner

-       Snares a liner

-       Snares a liner

-       RBI Double

-       Routine play

-       Routine play

Jose Maria

GIFs (12)

-       Single

-       2R Homerun
-       Pickoff/CS
-       Infield single

-       Single

-       Double

-       Single
-       Homerun

-       CS
-       Double

-       CS
-       RBI Double

Dylan Snypes

GIFs (12)

-       Infield single

-       Single

-       Infield single
-       Bunt single

-       Double
-       Single

-       Single
-       Going to his backhand

-       Ranging to his right

-       Single

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